This year the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross fell on Sunday, September 27. Please find the sound files from the feast below. We wish all our parish family and friends all the best with the great feast of the Exaltation of the Cross!
We ask forgiveness of all, but this week the schedule is such that we cannot publish The Path. We hope to publish again next week. We thank you for your understanding!
Please find the sound files associated with Sunday, September 20 at the links below. This Sunday was the forefeast of the Nativity of the Theotoks and the hymnography of the Holy Church reflects that reality. We congratulate all with the Sunday and the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos!
Below please find the sound file for the vigil for the feast of Sts. Peter & Febronia at St. Vladimir's. This file begins a bit after Vespers had begun. Unfortunately the recording equipment had some trouble and the Divine Liturgy was not recorded for this feast. However, Vigil was really quite beautiful and we hope that the prayerfulness and beauty of the Vigil will in some small way make up for not being able to provide you the Divine Liturgy.
Below please find the sound files from the feast of St. Alexander Nevsky at St. Vladimir's on the 11th and 12th of September. This was our all-English cycle for the month and so the services are entirely in English. We congratulate all our parishioners who celebrated their name's days on this feast and all with the feast of the great favorite of God the Holy Right Believing Prince Alexander! Vespers & Matins - St. Alexander Nevsky
Please find below sound files for Vigil and Divine Liturgy for the commemoration of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. You may also find the article from the web page of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America linked below interesting - it covers the blessing of our memorial to those who gave their lives for Faith, King, and Country. This memorial was blessed on the feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Peter of Cleveland.
This week's edition of The Path includes announcements, a commentary on the festival as a missionary outreach, and some really nice highlights from last week's Divine Services. Please join us on The Path!
This week's edition of the Path includes announcements (some of which are pretty important, like the fact that as of today our old driveway is closed!), a commentary on marriage and how we can strengthen our marriages beginning this weekend, and liturgical highlights from last week's Divine Services. Join us on The Path!
On Sunday evening, September 6 and Monday morning, September 7 we were privileged as a parish to host the finale of the Walk of Life - the Procession/Pilgrimage of the Diocesan Youth Department. Part of hosting the pilgrims was serving the Divine Service: Vespers for the exhausted walkers on Sunday evening and Divine Liturgy on Monday morning. Below please find the sound files of those services. Thank you to all who make the pilgrimage such a success, including those who made it possible for us to serve the Divine Services for the pilgrims!
Below please find the sound files from Sunday, September 6. Please join us soon at St. Vladimir's to enjoy these services in person, or if you cannot, join us prayerfully by listening to our live stream.
Please find below links to the Divine Services for Sunday, August 30, 2015. Please also note that there will be no Path this week. We ask your forgiveness, but with the festival just around the corner, the Walk of Life this weekend, and seminary classes starting on the 14th Fr. Gregory has not been able to make time to prepare The Path this week. Please pray that next week will be a bit easier!