Please find our weekly audio podcast, "The Path", at the link below. This week we start a two-part interview with Natalia Vasilievna Dale. Given that Mrs. Dale was kind enough to speak with us for "The Path" for almost an hour this means that this week's and next week's podcasts will be a bit longer than usual. We feel including Mrs. Dale's words adds a lot of value even as it adds a bit of time to the weekly offering. We hope you agree. But please don't stop listening after Mrs. Dale's interview! We include a lot more here, including several liturgical highlights from the week past. Please join us soon at St. Vladimir's!
The Path - March 30, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Great Lenten Lecture #5 - The Ministry of the Church School
Great Lenten Lecture #5 - Sunday, March 29, 2015 - The Ministry of the Church School
Sunday Divine Services + Sermon
Divine Liturgy, Sunday, March 29, 2015 (St. Mary of Egypt)
Sermon, Sunday, March 29, 2015
Vespers, Sunday, March 29 (for St. Patrick of Ireland)
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Saturday Liturgy and Vigil

Divine Liturgy - Laudation of the Theotokos
Vigil - St. Mary of Egypt
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Matins - Laudation of the Theotokos
Below please find a link to the sound file of the Matins service for the Laudation of the Theotokos. The feast of the Laudation is also know as "Akathist Saturday" because at this service the akathist to the Mother of God is interspersed with Matins. This is an unusual and beautiful service - we hope you enjoy it!
Akathist Saturday Matins
Akathist Saturday Matins
Friday, March 27, 2015
Great Lenten Hours & Presanctified Liturgy for March 26, 2015
Please find below two audio files. We split the Great Lenten Hours from yesterday afternoon and the Presanctified that followed these into two files for your convenience. Please join us soon at St. Vladimir's for these beautiful Lenten services - there are just a few left. Great Lent ends on April 3. That is also the day that Holy Week begins. See you soon at St. Vladimir's!
Great Lenten Hours - 3/26/15
Presanctified Liturgy - 3/26/15
Great Lenten Hours - 3/26/15
Presanctified Liturgy - 3/26/15
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Standing of St. Andrew (or St. Maria)
Some people call it the Standing of St. Andrew. Some the Standing of St. Maria. Whatever you call it this is both a long and a beautiful Matins service. Please find the full audio from last night's service at St. Vladimir's as the link below. The choir sang a special arrangement of the Irmos for the Great Canon so you'll want to be sure to listen for that. And please join us for the Presanctified Liturgy this evening if your schedule allows. See you soon at St. Vladimir's!
Standing of St. Andrew - March 25, 2015
Standing of St. Andrew - March 25, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Full Liturgy - Sunday, March 23, 2015
Please find the sound file for the entire Liturgy for Sunday, March 23, 2015 at St. Vladimir's at the link below. Of course we are happy if this file is helpful spiritually for our readers and listeners, but we also hope it motivates you to join us soon at St. Vladimir's! Please do - all are welcome!
Full Liturgy - Sunday, March 23, 2015
Full Liturgy - Sunday, March 23, 2015
Sermon from March 23, 2015
Please find the sound file of Fr. Gregory's sermon on Sunday, March 23. Although this Sunday is usually dedicated to the memory of the Venerable St. John of the Ladder, this year that was not the case. Why? Who could have replaced St. John? You'll need to listen to the sermon to find out!
Sermon Sunday, March 23, 2015
Sermon Sunday, March 23, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Great Lenten Lecture #4 - The Ministry of the Parish Choir
Please find the fourth of our Great Lenten Lectures at the link below. Many thanks to our Choir Director, Roman Vershynin, who presented this interesting and informative lecture. Who can sing in the choir? What are the various forms of Church singing? How are the hymns chosen for each Divine Service? Roman answers all these questions and more in his lecture. Please enjoy, and please join us for lecture #5 this coming Sunday: "The Ministry of the Church School".
Great Lenten Lecture #4 - The Ministry of the Parish Choir
Great Lenten Lecture #4 - The Ministry of the Parish Choir
"The Path" for Monday, March 23, 2015
The Path - March 23, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Soul Saturday Services
Thankfully we had the opportunity to serve the final Soul Saturday of Great Lent at St. Vladimir's. Below please find the sound files. The first includes the Liturgy, Pannykhida and the sermon. The second is only the Pannykhida and the sermon. The final is the sermon alone. We hope you find these all edifying! Please join us soon at St. Vladimir's!
Liturgy, Pannykhida, Sermon - March 21, 2015
Pannykhida & Sermon - March 21, 2015
Sermon - March 21, 2015
Liturgy, Pannykhida, Sermon - March 21, 2015
Pannykhida & Sermon - March 21, 2015
Sermon - March 21, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Divine Services from March 20 - Lots!
Friday, March 20 was a busy liturgical day at St. Vladimir's, as is the case for most Great Lenten Fridays. In the morning we served Matins, the Great Lenten Hours, and Typica, followed by the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. In the evening we served Matins for the final Soul Saturday of Great Lent using the Biblical Odes at the canon. Below we present the sound files of these services with thanks to those who made these services possible by singing, reading, and serving. It is understood that not everyone can attend every service. However, the parish family still benefits spiritually from the Divine Services being served in the parish church and thus we are thankful that the Lord blessed us to serve these Great Lenten services.
Matins, Hours, Typica - March 20, 2015
Presanctified Liturgy - March 20, 2015
Soul Saturday Matins - March 20, 2015
Matins, Hours, Typica - March 20, 2015
Presanctified Liturgy - March 20, 2015
Soul Saturday Matins - March 20, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Matins, Hours, Typica from Wednesday Afternoon
At the link below you can find the Great Lenten Matins, Hours, and Typica from Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately the digital recorder ran out of battery somewhere in the middle of the Presanctified Liturgy that afternoon, so we are unable to provide that for you here. However, the good news is that we now have a power cord for the recorder! So this should not be a problem going forward. This file has over three hours of Divine Services on it and we hope all enjoy the fruitful work of our singers and readers!
Matins, Hours, Typica - March 18, 2015
Matins, Hours, Typica - March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
"The Path" - Inaugural Issue
Please find out inaugural issue of our audio podcast "The Path" at the link below:
The Path - March 16, 2015
In the interview in this edition of "The Path" Zhanna mentions the special needs children's camp at Davydovo. The link to that camp's website is here:
Davydovo Special Needs Children's Camp
The Path - March 16, 2015
In the interview in this edition of "The Path" Zhanna mentions the special needs children's camp at Davydovo. The link to that camp's website is here:
Davydovo Special Needs Children's Camp
Monday, March 16, 2015
Sermon from March 15, 2015
Below please find Fr. Gregory's sermon from Sunday, March 15. May yesterday's Veneration of the Cross be for all a milestone that prepares us well for Holy Week and the glorious resurrection of our Lord!
Sermon Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sermon Sunday, March 15, 2015
Keynote Lecture 2015 Great Lenten Lecture Series
Below please find a link to the full keynote lecture of our 2015 Great Lenten Lecture Series delivered by Professor Roy Robson at St. Vladimir's on Sunday, March 15, 2015. We thank all that made this lecture possible and all for staying and participating in the lecture and the discussion period afterwards!
2015 Great Lenten Lecture Series Keynote - March 15, 2015
2015 Great Lenten Lecture Series Keynote - March 15, 2015
Full Divine Liturgy from March 15, 2015
Please find the full Divine Liturgy and Sermon from yesterday at the link below. We hope our readers enjoy this beautiful service and we hope all can join us soon at St. Vladimir's!
Full Divine Liturgy - March 15, 2015
Full Divine Liturgy - March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Cherubic Hymn from Today
We will post the full liturgy sound file later tonight or tomorrow, but the Cherubic Hymn from today was just so beautiful that we had to post it immediately! We hope you enjoy it thoroughly. And we hope to see you soon at St. Vladimir's!
Cherubic Hymn - 3/15/15
Cherubic Hymn - 3/15/15
Full Vigil - 3/14/15
Please find the file of the full vigil from Saturday, March 14 at the link below. We used the new recording machine again this time, but put it in a different place than we did on 3/11/15. This seems to make the choir clearer to the listener. Enjoy!
Full Vigil - 3/14/15
Full Vigil - 3/14/15
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Full Presanctified Liturgy - March 11, 2015
Below please find the link to the full Presanctified Liturgy held at St. Vladimir's on 3/11/15. Note that we used a new digital recording device for this service. We think the quality is significantly better and hope you will too! Join us soon at St. Vladimir's - the recordings are nice but there is nothing like participating in the Divine Services in person!
Full Presanctified Liturgy 3/11/15
Like to join us for a service in person? Find the full schedule of services at the link below!
St. Vladimir's March Schedule of Services
Full Presanctified Liturgy 3/11/15
Like to join us for a service in person? Find the full schedule of services at the link below!
St. Vladimir's March Schedule of Services
Monday, March 9, 2015
Great Lenten Lecture #2 - Brotherhood and Sisterhood
Below please find the link to the second of our Great Lenten Lectures for this year. Head Brother John Hill speaks first about our St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco Brotherhood's ministry in the parish followed by Zhanna Skalitzky (our past Head Sister and present Assistant Head Sister) speaking about the Sisterhood and their ministry.
Please join us for Lecture #3 on Sunday, March 15. The link to the full schedule of lectures is below the link to the sound file. THE 3/15/15 LECTURE IS THE KEYNOTE OF OUR LECTURE SERIES THIS YEAR - DON'T MISS IT!!! Dr. Roy Robson will speak regarding living as an Orthodox Christian in a nationally and ethnically diverse society - please join us! Invite friends!
Great Lenten Lecture #2
Great Lenten Lecture Series - Full Schedule
Please join us for Lecture #3 on Sunday, March 15. The link to the full schedule of lectures is below the link to the sound file. THE 3/15/15 LECTURE IS THE KEYNOTE OF OUR LECTURE SERIES THIS YEAR - DON'T MISS IT!!! Dr. Roy Robson will speak regarding living as an Orthodox Christian in a nationally and ethnically diverse society - please join us! Invite friends!
Great Lenten Lecture #2
Great Lenten Lecture Series - Full Schedule
Full Liturgy and Sermon - Second Sunday of Great Lent
Below please find links to the full liturgy from Sunday, March 8, as well as the sermon alone as a separate file. Please note: Fr. Gregory got a little confused about exactly when Constantinople fell (1453) in his sermon. Now you know!
Full Liturgy March 8, 2015
Sermon March 8, 2015
Full Liturgy March 8, 2015
Sermon March 8, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Great Lenten Lecture #1 - Subdeacon John Zroika
Below you will find the link to the first of this year's Great Lenten Lectures. This lecture was given by our head altar server, Subdeacon John Zroika on Sunday, March 1, 2015. We apologize for the background noise. The children were rather excited by John's presentation it seems, and unable to contain themselves at times. We hope you find the lecture interesting!
Great Lenten Lecture #1
Great Lenten Lecture #1
Full Liturgy and Sermon - Sunday of Orthodoxy
Below please find the links to the entire Divine Liturgy and the sermon for the Sunday of Orthodoxy 2015 at St. Vladimir's.
Sermon Sunday of Orthodoxy 2015
Full Divine Liturgy - Sunday of Orthodoxy 2015
Sermon Sunday of Orthodoxy 2015
Full Divine Liturgy - Sunday of Orthodoxy 2015
Yikes! Lots of Old Sermons!
Here we post some of the old sermons Fr. Gregory has given at St. Vladimir's. These are on the server and accessible and so we share them with you here in the hopes that listening to them again (or for the first time) will be edifying.
Sermon Sunday, January 11, 2015
Sermon Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sermon Sunday, January 25, 2015
Sermon Sunday, February 8, 2015
Sermon Sunday, February 15, 2015
Sermon Sunday, February 22, 2015
Sermon Sunday, January 11, 2015
Sermon Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sermon Sunday, January 25, 2015
Sermon Sunday, February 8, 2015
Sermon Sunday, February 15, 2015
Sermon Sunday, February 22, 2015
Nativity of the Lord - Sermon Only
Here we post Fr. Gregory's somewhat impromptu sermon from the great feast of the Nativity of the Lord 2014 at St. Vladimir's (served on January 7, 2015). If you recall, we had four priests serving the Divine Liturgy that day and we had to prepare three chalices so that more than 100 people could partake of the Holy Mysteries in a timely manner. This took a bit of time, so after reading Metropolitan Hilarion's Nativity Epistle, Fr. Gregory provided a few words to the gathered faithful. The sound recording of this sermonette is posted below.
Nativity 2014 Sermon at St. Vladimir's
Nativity 2014 Sermon at St. Vladimir's
Nativity of the Lord - Full Liturgy
The link below is to the full sound file of our 2014 Nativity Divine Liturgy (served on January 7, 2015). Please join us in re-experiencing the beautiful feast of the Lord's Incarnation at St. Vladimir's!
Nativity 2014 at St. Vladimir's
Nativity 2014 at St. Vladimir's
Hieromonk Seraphim Lecture - Creation and the Image of God
Below is a link to a lecture given by Hieromonk Seraphim (Baltic) at St. Vladimir's when we hosted the Great Lenten Young Adult Retreat in 2014. Fr. Seraphim spoke to the young people about God's creation and their place in His creation. Also, the image of man and how man is made in the image of God. Well worth listening to!
Hieromonk Seraphim - Creation
Hieromonk Seraphim - Creation
Andrei Desnitsky Lecture - the Bible and Orthodox Christians
Let us post first the lecture of Andrei Desnitsky at St. Vladimir's. Professor Desnitsky visited St. Vladimir's on March 20, 2014. The lecture is not short, but it is very interesting well worth listening to. This was recorded with older digital recording equipment and thus the quality is not perfect. But it is not terrible either. :) We have better equipment now, and we plan to begin using this equipment in the near future. So very soon the quality of the recordings should improve.
Professor Andrei Desnitsky at St. Vladimir's
Professor Andrei Desnitsky at St. Vladimir's
Saturday, March 7, 2015
How long are the files posted?
Generally sound files here are posted for about a month. If you find an older file that you'd like to hear but it is no longer available, just email us at We'll be happy to get you the file!
We have created this blog to allow a place for our parishioners to find the sounds of our parish. Video is great, and we will continue to use it a lot. But it is hard to watch a video while you are working or doing something else - but you can still listen to the Divine Liturgy from Sunday, a sermon, even an audio podcast. So please join us here regularly to find the Sound of our Parish!
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