This week at St. Vladimir's we celebrated the great feast of Pentecost - the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and desciples and the birth of the Holy Church as we know it today. Liturgical highlights in this week's Path all come from the feast - both the Vigil and the Divine Liturgy. As well as a few seconds from Kneeling Vespers. See if you can find those few seconds! Weekly announcements are included as always, as well as a commentary on the 1000th anniversary of the repose of St. Vladimir and the martyrdom of Sts. Borish & Gleb - what these mean to us today and especially to our parish, since we are one of the three centers of the diocese that will be hosting special St. Vladimir Day celebrations to make this great jubilee year of our patron saint. Please join us on The Path!
The Path - June 3, 2015