Annunciation of the Theotokos |
Today the Holy Church celebrates the great feast of the Annunciation. Below please find links to the Vigil and Divine Liturgy sound files. Note that Vigil begins quietly - with Great Compline and the reading of psalms. But it has its very triumphant moments as well, but because this is Holy Week the Vigil ends as a daily matins service. Liturgically this is a very interesting feast. The Divine Liturgy begins with the Hours and Typica, followed by the Liturgy beginning as Vespers. Again - very liturgically interesting. Congratulations to all with this great feast at which the Mother of God becomes the Mother of God, humbly accepting the cross that God gives her for the salvation of all mankind!
Vigil - Annunciation of the Mother of God
Divine Liturgy - Annunciation of the Mother of God
Sermon - Annunciation of the Mother of God