The Path - Monday, April 6, 2015
Pictures referred to in Mrs. Dale's Interview:
Row 1 Left to Right
Natalia V. Dale
Peter Dale
Name Unknown
Vasily Bezmertny
Row 2 Left to Right
George Olympich
Nadezhda Olympich
Dorothea Bibikov
Nikolai Gubin (Choir Director)
Row 3 Left to Right
Vera Bibikov
Name Unknown
Name Unknown
Row 4: Hilarion H. Bibikov
Natalia V. Dale
Peter Dale
Name Unknown
Vasily Bezmertny
Row 2 Left to Right
George Olympich
Nadezhda Olympich
Dorothea Bibikov
Nikolai Gubin (Choir Director)
Row 3 Left to Right
Vera Bibikov
Name Unknown
Name Unknown
Row 4: Hilarion H. Bibikov
Natalia V. Dale
Vera Bibikov
Peter Dale
Ariadna Bezmertny
Matushka Name Unknown
Peter Dale
Priest Appolon Novitsky
Those in this picture are the same as those in the first picture.
Obituary of Hilarion H. Bibikov: