Sts. Chrysanthus & Daria |
Below please find three links from the Divine Services at St. Vladimir's on April 1, 2015. This was a special day at St. Vladimir's in that Matins was dedicated to the commemoration of the Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria - and we have a number of Darias in our parish. We wish them all many years! But the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was already the service for the next day: the commemoration of the Holy Fathers John, Sergius, Patrick and those with them slain at the monastery of St. Sabbas near Jerusalem. The reason this is a significant day for our parish is that the relics in our parish antimins are of these holy fathers - and this is a very unique blessing for our parish as these relics are very rarely found in antimins. We have included here the thanksgiving prayers after Holy Communion and believe these will be helpful and useful for our parishioners both now and in the future. Although we read these prayers at the end of each Divine Liturgy there are no doubt times when people must leave for whatever reason before they can hear these important prayers. By posting them here we provide another opportunity to hear these prayers if for some reason one cannot read them.
See you soon at St. Vladimir's!
Great Lenten Matins, Hours, Typica for Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria
Presanctified Liturgy for the Holy Fathers slain at St. Sabbas Monastery
Thanksgiving Prayers after Holy Communion