We present here several of the Paschal Divine Services - but there are more to come! Pascha is just too big and too important to be contained in one 24-hour period and at St. Vladimir's we will hold Liturgy on Bright Monday morning (this will be a children's Liturgy with the kids singing, serving in the altar, and leading the Paschal procession), Paschal Vespers and Matins on Wednesday evening, Paschal Vespers and Matins on Friday evening, and Paschal Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning. We are also trying to schedule another cycle of Paschal services before Bright Week ends. More to come on that soon. In the mean time, we hope you enjoy the sound files of the Divine Services at St. Vladimir's below. Christ is Risen!
Reading of the Acts of the Apostles - Holy Saturday 2015
Paschal Midnight Office - 2015
Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy - 2015
Paschal Vespers and Matins (for Bright Monday) - 2015